A division of Ohr Naava, founded under the auspices of
Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein

Our Mission

The mission of BCA is to provide a safe environment that brings both therapeutic as well as educational components together to help the students get back on track.

We help mold confident, capable individuals, into people who are committed to being productive members of the Jewish community.

About BCA

It is a place to go
that speaks to
the part of you
that still wants
to live.


Bnot Chaya Academy

Bnot Chaya Academy is a unique high school serving the daughters of our community who have been beset with unthinkable difficulties, so early in their young, promising lives.
The girls that come to BCA have been left behind by the majority of the community—by those unaware or insensitive to their struggles.

Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein zt"l

Rabbi Wallerstein
While others throw their hands up in defeat, too overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem, Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein refused to turn his back on our daughters. He believed that with the right combination of unconditional love, therapeutic support and a stellar academic program, these girls could have a second chance on life, and become thriving, healthy Bnos Yisrael. He assembled a talented and dedicated team of educators and therapists, and created an outstanding school that successfully addresses the serious issues many teenage girls are struggling with.

It became the place for the girl with no place.

Our Students

BCA student body represents every hue on the spectrum.

Some are former Bais Yaakov students, others were raised in less religious environments. Many hail from mainstream Frum homes with parents that grapple with the “child-at-risk” stigma; others are from families characterized by acute dysfunction and are in desperate need of multifaceted direction and support.

At BCA, regardless of the background or current circumstance, a girl who has nowhere else to turn is welcomed and embraced. The girls are given an exemplary education and a safe, supportive haven where they can recover, grow and succeed.

How we do what we do


Our goal is to help all our students repair, reconcile and rebuild. We work tirelessly to maximize every day of this opportunity to plant new beginnings and to reroute shattered lives.


Our culture is open and accepting. The girls feel safe in BCA’s non-judgmental atmosphere, while their families feel at ease due to our solid frum staff. Students are empowered to work through their ambiguities about religion in an understanding milieu, while their parents feel safe in the knowledge that their daughter’s relationship with Yiddishkeit isn’t being under-prioritized.


Our faculty includes an expert clinical psychologist, an addictions specialist and a handpicked team of emotionally-attuned teachers and mentors.


Our Academic Program enables every student to graduate with a fully-accredited Honors Regents diploma, while also developing a personalized set of tools to suit her strengths. We provide students with the life skills they need to attend college, get jobs, and establish healthy families.


Our clinical approach is comprehensive and includes appropriate therapeutic and medical referrals, support groups for substance abuse and addictions, individual counseling, group therapy for development of interpersonal skills, and ongoing evaluation and goal-setting for each student’s psychological profile.


The dormitory is a structured living space with responsible supervision. It is available for girls coming from out-of-town or for girls lacking suitable living arrangements.


BCA keeps in close contact with our alumni and is always available to support them through their struggles in finding their place in the frum world. Bnot Chaya organizes weekends and events exclusively for our alumni and continues to be their guiding light as they move on to higher education, employment and marriage.
Contact BCA

Contact Us

2935 Avenue S
Brooklyn, NY 11229


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